8 July 2010


Also known as 'POWER OFF' yeah? This was the degree show for the course I'm on, I'm going to be taking the Print pathway but it was a sorry state of affairs and is barely worth mentioning. I thought there was a lot of rubbish I'm not going to lie but the illustration stuff was freakin sweet, though I did notice a lot of the kids had a very samey style and colour scheme which kind of lead me to feel like I had already seen all this work before out in the vast and unfortunately generic world of wanna be famous illustrators. It's like these students hadn't developed to a point where they had found a style of illustration individual to them, they just tried to do what they think is big right now, which is a massive shame. Still they put on a great show. As for all the graphic design, I don't think I really appreciate or understand graphics therefore I don't have the right to comment on it. But there was lots. Here's some of the illustration work both good and bad in my opinion.

I think what made this show stand out was that there was obviously a lot of effort put into getting it together, the shop, all the fun stuff going on outside in the crates, the live screenprinting and the fact that the college has a whole bunch of galleries built into it so it's just a good exhibition space.

I went to the Camberwell degree show and I was properly just disappointed. For some reason I've built up Camberwell art college in my head to this God like status and that the kids who go there are kings among men. This probably isn't true. The show was pretty shabby and although there was some real good stuff the exhibition didn't do it justice, it was confusing trying to find your way around and so freakin busy you couldn't even see the art! Like I have literally never seen so many artists in one place, it was really surreal and I basically understood that you don't go to the Camberwell exhibition to see the work, you go there to get seen. And then does this not just prove my preconception that even with minimal effort and Camberwell's we're so arty we don't give a fuck attitude they still hauled a massive crowd. It all appeals to me enormously I just can't help it.

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