22 December 2011

bath sunsets

Shot from my bedroom window.

inside my head

self portrait for illustration class.

18 December 2011

This year's set of christmas cards i did for my friends and family. Christmas in a week now ohhhh

Grocery Day

Grocery Day from Tom Rainford on Vimeo.

Really great little animation by Tom Rainford.


Had a little trip to London last week and saw these two awesome stop motion animations at the Whitechapel Gallery. The first one Lucia (2007) is great but the follow up Luis (2008) is even better, watch them in full screen! Made by Cristobal Leon, Joaquin Cocina, Niles Atallah.


17 December 2011

A few pics from my photography workshop, first time I processed my own photos in four years! More fun than i remembered hanging out in the darkroom. Featuring grannies, my lovely pal Katie and a greyhound!


This week i did my first screenprints in three years! Was pretty fun but i made quite a few mistakes since i'd forgotten a fair bit. The images are based around this tree in my local skate park full of shoes even though it's all little kids skating there, well it's meant to be funny..

6 December 2011

Dog i saw in the park the other day and found hilarious. (click on image to see big)

it's chriiiiistmas

Got a plastic christmas tree in our flat and we made these lovely salt dough decorations, haven't done this since i was a little kid but it's so much fun! Angel Gabriel made by yours truly, here are some sneaks of our preeeetty christmas tree!

25 November 2011


Got this mental book a while back and just put it on a shelf and forgot about it until now. It's a massive collection of art, fashion and design all related to the human form, definitely worth checking it out in your art library! Published by Gestalten.