26 October 2011


Had this lovely idea few months ago while talking to buddy Lauren Squires but i only got round to actually posting her a slice of toast last week and... she got it! yeyyy!!

Also check out her screen printing blog, super great stuff on there!

23 October 2011

illustration experiments

On monday we had illustration class of ~drawing with scissors~ was a bit tricky at first but got some really nice results. For my self portrait i did the two big heads and my name.

Made this giant pair of ladyboy legs with buddy Rosie, mine is the fat leg.

More drawing with scissors outside..

On tuesday we had drawing club at the Victoria art gallery, there was loads of great stuff there. I decided to focus on just dogs and it worked pretty well, i love the first picture! We have a free graphics only photocopier in the studio and i have become a little obsessed with it, literally every time i do a drawing i want to see what it looks like in negative!

summer project

Did this project about a month ago now, was meant to introduce myself using only one sheet of A4 paper. Saw some of my cousin's work this summer which involved cutout sardine tins and shadow puppets so I wanted to try out something similar. This was my first attempt. Little cub scout buddy being chased through the woods by a bear. Brilliant.

In the end I couldn't get the shadow play right that I wanted so I made another little self standing one. Doesn't photograph very well but it's so cute!

17 October 2011


So far, so good. If only i could party a little less and study a bit more.. put this on my window to remind me!

1 October 2011

I have some photos from DIY HI-FI they're pretty bad quality i should have really taken a digital camera. Anyway it gives you an idea of the cardboard decorations we made...
giant camera and some speakers-

few things here but they're real hard to see, pencils, boombox, rubber and sharpener-

alex in my photo opportunity board-

alex manning the pop up shop -

this is my favourite photo, big man i made, crayons by ollie and tape by alex-

ollie practicing for afterparty -