21 September 2010

village fair

Lovely village fair at Pateley Bridge, I wore wellies and a parka to try and make myself look more country. There were lots of pretty boys with tweed jackets, woolly jumpers and wellington boots. That's real country.

piglets oinkkk

regular rabbit next to a lionhead rabbit, so fluffy mmm!

dwarf rabbits so cute!

really tall ducks, pretty much vertical

chickens that think they're people OR alternatively tiny people in chicken costumes

little calling duck-very noisy!

kids tent

prize winning hay

egg competition

absolutely massive vegetables.

UFO mis-sightings

Fake UFO photos for my college summer project on ~speculation~ about you know, aliens and shit. So at first i was thinking that's stupid and it just stupid people making it up so I took some household objects and made my very own UFO mis-sightings. Some worked really well and some were rubbish. I'm thinking of sending them into the CIA... like heyy my local park is just a massive spot for for UFO sightings! haha. no. not funny.

..and xavi's robo-thumb.


im the one on the left, dana is the one on the right, we're wearing cat suits and dancing. happy birthday momma bear.

stuff from spain

Saw loads of amazing stalls from different countries at La Feria de Muestras my favourite was this one from Brazil. Everything was made from papier mache and it was all so colourful and lovely!

Very nice graffiti in Aviles. Want to do some cool mexican/aztec kind of illustrations soooon.

18 September 2010

Takashi Murakami - Kirsten Dunst I'm turning Japanese

Saw this video at the Pop Life exhibition at the Tate Modern last year. Shouldn't be so amazing but it really is.

17 September 2010

my summer holiday

A selection of various photos I took in Asturias this summer. Switched between a point and shoot and an old SLR, most of the pictures are shitty and out of focus but I like them anyway.